
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Culture & Diversity

This week, I was supposed to ask people the definition of culture and diversity. Things that people said were:
“culture is the way people live”
“culture is all the ways we live – the differences in say the American way vs. Chinese, Indians, etc.”
“diversity is the differences between people of different cultures including different beliefs, values, traditions that one group of people practice. It includes language, dress, foods we eat, holidays we celebrate and our religion”
“diversity is how we are different”
Aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied included in these answers are that culture is many different things. It is the way we do things, our language, traditions, dress, foods, celebrations, etc.
Before this course, I thought of culture as just the differences in our dress, language, foods and traditions. I’m finding out that it’s much more. Comments that were omitted from all the comments were that culture touches every part of our lives.
Thinking about the way other people define culture and diversity has made me realize that we really don’t give culture and diversity much thought. We just all seem to take it for granted.

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